Spinosaurus Mannequin

Download Spinosaurus Mannequin APK

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Uploaded by: Latest Version: Update Date:
3D Mannequins . 1.0 19/03/2018
Draw a Spinosaurus in any pose you want.
Learn how to draw a Spinosaurus in any position.
Poseable Spinosaurus for drawing.

- Use animations for a list of natural movements and actions that will help you get the pose you want to draw fast.

- Use skins to increase detail and realism to your drawing.

- Select individual 'bones' to adjust angle and position of limbs, achieve any pose.

- Adjust camera zoom, distance, field of view.

- Choose your background, and platform style.

- Adjust 4 lights including angle, color, and brightness.

- Display a grid to help you draw in proportion.

Free to try!

In-app-purchase to unlock skins and more animations.

Great for artists of any level!


What's new

1st version of Spinosaurus Mannequin!


Art & Design



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Spinosaurus Mannequin Install APK